Sunday, August 7, 2011

My Heroes

I bought Sharpies yesterday, i did some rough sketches and i could not sleep.. and i feel like drawing! i have not drawn something for awhile! (except our lovely Eager Beaver Mascot!) I miss drawing! argh! ^^ anyway.. the idea is about my heroes... It came up in my mind couple months ago and tried to draw it on computer but it did not work out.. i could not start drawing on computer :( i like the traditional pencil and paper approach.. uh well.. i think this drawing could be elaborated in the future.. i have some special plans for this.. but i dare not to plan it cause it usually will not work if I planned it.. ^^'' hope you like the drawing.. i owe AM for all the new drawing techniques they have taught me so far .. :)


Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Eager Beaver

I have spent most of my days in this super amazing group called The Eager Beavers.. They are all super awesome and i am very happy to be able to know them all.. So this is for all you guys :)

The Eager Beaver! Cheers :)


Sunday, June 26, 2011


Piranesi is a quite extreme drawing technique. I went to my friend's place and she showed me her sister's piranesi assignment for uni. Oh my gosh, i was speechless and in fact i am still. It has so many lines and the only way to complete the drawing is just to.. well.. draw the lines.. So this extremeness has quite inspire me to draw something. I decided to do a very simple doodle.. just to experiment with the lines. My drawing above is farrr faarr away from piranesi, but i had fun haha. I have always been a fan of sketch-type drawing, so i think i will spend some time to explore the techniques. The drawing itself is about evolution, but this time it happens from graphite to mechanical pencil.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

It's Jimmy the Bird

Jimmy the Bird

I was quite into Angry Birds few months ago and it inspires me to draw a bird. So here is my fan creation bird for Angry Birds :D. His name is Jimmy, a quite confident and smart little bird from Eastern tropical jungle. Say hello to Jimmy everybody :)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Now & Then parte 2

Another perspective drawing exercise! :) The concept of this drawing is Now & Then. On the left side is a line of typical nowadays cafe, clothing store and supermarket. On the right side, is a line of the futuristic buildings. I got very excited when I drew them! and I was inspired by one of my favourite manga, Dragonball! My personal favourite is the Bug shaped building :). Hope you all enjoy the drawing too! :)

Monday, February 14, 2011

Now & Then

Using public transport for almost everyday for the last couple months make me realize on how people get so attached to their gadgets. Everybody is either listening to their iPod or playing games on their iPad. Questions were popped up inside my head, 'where are books nowadays? so now people are not talking anymore?..hmm?'. I wanted to draw something about it. I always draw some random characters and there is usually only one character on my canvas and everytime I add more characters, I feel like they are not related to each others. The composition gets worst after I draw the environment, because .... they totally Disconnected (-___-').
This time, I told myself, how if I drew the environment first, and then put the characters. Most of the time I ignore the perspective angle, so this time, i told myself, 'let's doo perspective!!'
After awhile, I finished my sketch. I started to add some characters in my drawings. I think the trick works. I feel that it is easier for me to draw the characters and imagine what they are doing, and this time they Belong to the environment :). Uh well. God created Earth and then humans, so i guess this idea is applicable for drawing too. I'm so happy that I learn these new tricks~~

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


"Go!.. Hurry up! They are coming.."

Some foreign creatures come unexpectedly to Fungi Land! Due to their survival nature, without any hesitation, these little fellas ran away!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Mi Pequeño Barón

The inspiration came from random Googling activities. I was looking at Imdb website, and was still amazed by the awesomeness of Alice in Wonderland. So I looked up the cast list and I stopped at Helena Bonham-Carter. I really like her role as Red Queen and of course, Bellatrix Lestrange (duh!). So I read the biography and trivia, and then I found out that her grandfather was a prime minister and she's an heir of a blue-blooded family (argh sorry for the bad english -_-). So this discovery, Plus some element of 'Bullying the Innocent' inspired me to draw this :). Thanks to Google Translate and Wikipedia :D